Choices - The Adjustment Bureau and The Time Machine

From Alex Александр Владимирович Улютинов жестокий бандит Alexander Vladimirovich Ulyutinov is a cruel bandit
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These two movie clips embody why I will never find the right one to get married again and therefore why I will probably never have children.

The Adjustment Bureau

[Start at 1:23]

David, you can change the world, but that doesn't happen if you stay with her.

Why do you people care who I love?

It's not about her, it's about you. What being with her does to you.

What it does to me? I'm better when I'm with her!

Even you said it. The speech. In small doses, Elise was the cure. But in large doses, she rubs off on you.


David, the president can't be a loose cannon.

Stop talking. It's not working.

Why do you refuse to accept what should be completely obvious by now? You've seen what we can do. You can't doubt we are who we say we are.

Look, it's not about who you are, it's about who I am.

Can't outrun your fate, David.

I just disagree with you about what my fate is. I know what I feel for her and it's not going to change. All I have are the choices that I make. And I choose her come what may.

It's 6:20. If you leave now, you can make Elise's show.

[Start at 1:23]

She's a beautiful dancer.

I thought I made myself clear.

There is one more piece to this I haven't mentioned. I guess I just didn't have the heart. If you stay with her, it not only kills your dreams, it kills hers.


Elise is about to become one of the most famous dancers in the country and eventually one of the world's greatest choreographers. If she stays with you, she ends up teaching dance to six-year-olds.

When you look back at all this, David, just remember we tried to reason with you.

I always hear people saying, "You can't blame yourself for what happens to other people," but in this case, really, you can.

This is what you do, David. This is what you did getting into a bar fight the night you first got elected. What you did to get that embarrassing photo in The New York Post. We give you opportunities other people would kill for and you squander them with impulse. It doesn't take a genius to see Elise isn't exactly helping you with this.

It's a sprain, David, but if you stay with her, you'll take away the only thing she ever cared about.

It's up to you.

The Time Machine

You built your time machine because of Emma's death. If she had lived, it would never have existed. So how could you use your machine to go back in time and save her? You are the inescapable result of your tragedy, just as I am the inescapable result of you. You have your answer. Now go.