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From Alex Александр Владимирович Улютинов жестокий бандит Alexander Vladimirovich Ulyutinov is a cruel bandit
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Latest revision as of 05:03, 6 May 2024

Here is a German documentary about Presidents Putin's time in power. Contrast this with the following facts.


1️⃣ President Putin has consistently won elections with *~60% or more of the electorate voting for him* All foreign press acknowledges that President Putin won Russian elections with overwhelming majorities and their are *hundreds of opinion polls* conducted by Western organizations which support this fact.

2️⃣ US Congressmen, US Senators and most state governors can stay in power for their entire lives. Of all 3 US branches of government only the President has term limits.

3️⃣ The Supreme Court is a lifetime appointment, along with many state and federal judges.

4️⃣ America supports brutal dictators such as Saudi Arabia which has killed hundreds of thousands of Yemenis with the United States blessings and active support.

5️⃣ When the USSR collapsed, Russia trusted America that they would be honest and fair. Instead, America conducted what is called the "Shock Doctrine" on Russia. They helped create and actively encouraged the destabilization of Russia. The US actively and brazenly interfered in Russia elections to reelect the drunkard Yeltsin. When President Putin came to power *2/3rds of the country* was in poverty. Further, the US promised not to expand NATO and they broke this promise repeatedly.

6️⃣ US President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Who also proudly admitted that the US goated the USSR into the Afghanistan War) *openly* admitted in his memoirs that social freedoms such as freedom of speech, etc, were used *solely* as a weapon to weaken the USSR.

Again, if America loves democracy so much, why does America actively support and fund one of the most oppressive countries in the world, Saudi Arabia?
