Peace: Invest in America First: Bring Our Troops Home Now

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The only viable way that US peace organizations can effect change in the United States is through elections. Every other organization in the United States is controlled by the military. A peace NGO can form a PAC similar to the National Rifle Association. This PAC/NGO will support either candidate, on the left or on the right. For example, the NGO would publicly support antiwar Tea Party candidates and Rand Paul.

In the first election cycle, in 2022, the PAC/NGO will mobilize in one blue state, against, for example, a vulnerable blue dog democrat. This PAC/NGO will use guerilla marketing against the vulnerable blue dog democrat. If the vulnerable blue dog Democrat loses, the strategy is replicated in 2024 with 3 election races. If the vulnerable blue dog Democrat wins, the PAC/NGO reassess its strategy, and repeats this strategy in 2024.

Proposals and background

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Invest in America First - Proposal for peace organization (power point) - page 1 - 5

[To do: Retrieve missing PowerPoint slides - Conclusion - American politicians is the toe hold into creating viable and lasting change]
Proposal to Peace Action Montgomery - page 6-8
<pdf width="800" height="1200">File:Peace work peace chicken george MAY1787 com (PAC) (Updated 8-24-2018).pdf</pdf>
Download pdf here

Guerrilla Marketing

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Guerrilla Campaign (Noun) - is an advertisement strategy concept designed for businesses to promote their products or services in an unconventional way with little budget to spend. This involves high energy and imagination focusing on grasping the attention of the public at a more personal and memorable level.

In late 2014 I was working @ Peace Action Montgomery. After brainstorming ideas about mascots with the group, during the 2014 Election we dressed up as the "Peace Chicken" (in the spirit of "Chicken George" that hounded George Bush Sr) and followed around Maryland 6th District Democratic Delaney, a multimillionaire who has only a score of 63% on Peace Action West and was the most vulnerable candidate in the area. Delaney was being challenged by Republican Dan Bongino. Bongino promised peace. We met with the Bongino campaign before launching the "Peace Chicken" mascot and he supported our efforts.

The 2014 election was right before Halloween, only eight days before the election, inspired by the 1996 election with "Chicken George", we bought a chicken suit from Party Center in Rockville. We then tried to "Roger and Me" Delany (ambush and ask Delaney unpopular questions on video tape). We called reporters and emailed attempted to find out where he was going to be next. Unfortunately, because the election was only a couple of days away, we never caught Delaney on camera.

  • But we did stand outside of his campaign headquarters for the last three days of the election in chicken costumes, eight hours a day, and waved signs supporting Bongino's peace promises.

The website, has expired, but I have copies of the website.

Despite incumbent Delany having a huge war chest, and spending millions of dollars of his own money on the campaign, Bongino lost the election by only 5,000 votes. Peace Action Montgomery had a part in this extremely narrow victory.


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An organization run like the NRA

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Peace Chicken
