Political asylum 2016

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Moscow/Political Asylum

(Extremely redacted and edited public version)
See also: Smuggling classified secret cyber documents to Russia

On June 8, 2016, I walked into the main KGB (FSB) building in Moscow and asked for political asylum. I had smuggled a Secret Document from the United States government to Russia which I gave to the KGB (FSB)

Actively seeking Russian political asylum (June 2016)


File:Lubyanka building 2 circles and arrows only with words.png
Where I entered the Lubyanka building twice. Location of the lawyer's office

File:Lubyanka petr burning.jpg
Petr Pavlensky being arrested in front of the Lubyanka building

During Stalin's Great Purges. Lubyanka Building (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubyanka_Building) was the main headquarters of the KGB (NKVD). Many prisoners were tortured in the building and executed. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the KGB was renamed the FSB.

In November 2015, Russian activist Petr Pavlensky https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petr_Pavlensky set fire to the door of the infamous FSB (KGB) Lubyanka building.

Walking into the infamous FSB (KGB) Lubyanka building (June 8?, 2016)

File:Lubyanka building door.png
Lubyanka building door I entered
File:Lubyanka building.png
Layout of the inside of the Lubyanka building

Security tensions in this infamous building were high by June 2016.

On June 8?, 2016, after trying since arrival in Moscow to get the attention of the Russian intelligentsia, I entered this KGB building unannounced and stated that I wanted political asylum to the guard. The guard said he could not help me.

Amazingly, I was able to just walk out of the building and I was not detained.

Lawyer's office across the street from the FSB (KGB)
2018 update: As of 2018, this office location has been closed and has been extensively remodeled.

I walked outside into the beautiful sunlight and immediately noticed a lawyer’s office directly across the street at Furkasovsky Lane, 3 (Фуркасовский переулок, 3). It was a pastel lime green building and had an old Soviet style lawyer's (юрист) sign above it - with no company name. The law offices have many names, including Боярцев и Партнеры and Legal Aid Center. Their site: http://www.urpark.ru

I entered the building and requested a lawyer's consultation.

File:Akob edyardovich.png
Business card with time to meet next

The secretary took me back to met Akob Edyardovich. There were several men in the office. I told him that I had just walked into FSB (KGB) Lubyanka building, this put everyone in the office in a panic. One man looked out the curtain window at the building across the street. They really were surprised. Akob agreed to help me with political asylum.

Contract for political asylum





Contract for political asylum

On June 8, 2016, Akob Edyardovich drew up a contract. For 500,000 rubles (approximately $8000 at the time) Edyardovich would help me get political asylum. I had read in the Moscow Times that it was impossible for Americans to get political asylum, even for Edward Snowden. But the end goal was not political asylum, the end goal was to put my name out their to those in power and show that I was dedicated completely and wholly to Russia.

I returned with 20,000 Rubles later. In another visit, Akob Edyardovich asked me to renounce my family and my ex-wife. I said no I could not.

I was explicitly warned (threatened) by Akob that I many lawyers like me are killed all the time in Russia.[1]

Akob told me not post any political comments on Facebook or social media. In response, I increased the number of Facebook political comments.

Application for political asylum (June 13, 2016)

This statement which was submitted to four Russian government organizations.

Application for political asylum

В УФМС Российской Федерации

Адрес; 109240, г. Москва,

ул. Верхняя Ршищевская, д. 4. стр.

Г-иа США Бзйли Трэвиса Ли



Я. Бэйлн Трэвис Ли. являюсь гражданином Соединенных Штатов Америки. Нахожусь на территории Российской Федерации с г. Настоящим заявление прошу предоставить мне политическое убежище на территории Российской Федерации.

до моет прибытии в Россию проживал на территории США. Однако с


органов США из-за своего несогласия с внешней политикой, которую на сегодняшний день пропагандирует Президент страны Барак Обама. Свое недовольство я. не таясь, всегда выражал вслух, так как являюсь специалистом по английскому язьпку‘ (профессором, преподавателем). публиковал школьную газе-ту с волнующей меня тематикой. В связи с этим мои политические взгляды не остались ие замеченными государственными структурами США. Я постоянно испытывал негативное отношение к себе. опасался за свою жизнь и безопасность. На сегодняшний день я лишен всего своего имущества (дом, автомобиль, личные вещи).

Приехав в Россию, понял. насколько эта страна отличается от Соединенных Штатов Америки своей доброжелательностью и отношением к своим граэкданам. Еще проживая в США. я изучал русскую тшасснческуто литературу. Уверен, что мои знания английского языка принесут пользу


In the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation; Address; 109240, Moscow, ul. Upper Rshischevskaya, 4. p.

Mr Bailey Travis Lee


I Bailey Travis Lee. I am a citizen of the United States of America. I am on the territory of the Russian Federation with Mr. Hereby I ask you to grant me political asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Before Russia, I lived in the United States. However, in 2015 I began to be reinforced by the fact that the state party bodies of the United States because of their disagreement with foreign policy, which President Barack Obama is currently advocating. I am dissatisfied with myself. not concealing, always expressed aloud, because I am an expert in English poetry (professor, teacher). published a school gas-tu with an exciting topic. In this regard, my political views did not remain not seen by the US state structures. I was constantly feeling negative about myself. feared for his life and safety. To date, I have been deprived of all my possessions (house, car, personal belongings).

  1. June 16, 2016 Facebook post