Let's Get Married/Comments

From Alex Александр Владимирович Улютинов жестокий бандит Alexander Vladimirovich Ulyutinov is a cruel bandit
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Liliya Kozlova
5 years ago
Hello,Travis.I watched now this show with you and I'm so shame of them😔 I am Russian too,but the way how they spoke with you and what they said were awful.I'm really sorry for them.I want to thank you for your love to Russia and Russian people.I hope that you will find your love.Good luck to you in everything.Hope that you aren't disappointed in all Russians)


Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли

Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли
Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли
5 years ago
Thank you so much for your kind words.
God bless you and your family.
I love Russians and I am working hard to become a Russian citizen.
Everyone told me to fake marry, and I could have choose one of the three women on the show, I especially liked Oxana. Getting married is such an important decision and it should be for love.


lana studio
lana studio
5 years ago
This program just total disgrace on russian culture and the way they show how much they hate Americans and feel they r superior specifically people who are residents of Moscow.Whole show in Russian language they criticized and put down nice gentlemen and educated man with law degree.If he understood even.half of what they said he would get up and leave in first 5 minutes of show.The hosts of show acted no worse then old uneducated lady from bazar.He did right thing by leaving.The idea to save Russia going to fail because entire country corrupted and nobody cant help them.


Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли

Aigul _Smg
Aigul _Smg
5 years ago
Travis,насколько я поняла вас,вы хотели своим поступком- своим уходом, унизить саму программу в лице ее ведущих..Не знаю,для чего вам это,что вы хотели этим доказать или сказать?Можно ведь было честно в глаза сказать,что не нравится формат этой передачи,ну или вообще не идти тогда на эту передачу.В итоге обидели только участниц,которые приехали к вам.


Eugen Miri
Eugen Miri
5 years ago
Travis this was a good idea to go very good 👍👍👍👍


Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли

Anna Metzler
Anna Metzler
5 years ago
Living in US for the last 4 years taught me that American people are far better than Russians: they are more tolerant, forgiving, positive, open-minded and free-spirited. Of course I understand that there are good and bad people everywhere, but you were right about "slave"thinking, and it's really ugly. I'm really sorry for your experience on this show, but this is also a mindset of most ppl over there. Russia is a beautiful country, but it only looks better from overseas and on vacations.
The saddest part is that no matter how hard you try making open conversation about this show - you won't succeed! Most of the people truly enjoy seeing heroes being bullied, shamed, made uncomfortable and pushed to very personal conversation. I'm sorry again for this humiliating experience and wish you all the best.
P.S.- you seem like a very nice guy, you really didn't deserve this.


Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли

Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли
Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли
5 years ago
Thank you Anna for your beautiful words. I really love the Russian people and I relate to them in many ways more that Americans. I love how Russians are pragmatists, how they have such strong family values, how they are willing to do anything for their friends and loved ones. In my experience Russians are also a forgiving people - I am always amazed at how much my Russians friends are willing to help me. Russian women are so beautifully feminine, they have not turned their backs on millennium of tradition and gender roles like American women have.
Europeans in general are more progressive that Americans in their views on everything - homosexuality, capital punishment, gender equality, narcotics. I agree so strongly on what you said - what makes America so strong is its tolerance. In American it doesn't matter where you come from, and the color of your skin, it only matters what you can accomplish. One out of every five people in the world who are residing in another country from their birth reside in America. America has the largest immigrant population in the world, 44 million people. In fact, by 2050 - whites will be a minority. What is interesting is the country with the second largest immigration population in the world is Russia, with 11 million immigrants, almost all from the Soviet Union. But despite the equality ideals of the Soviet Union, racism here is so strong, and tolerance toward others is so behind America.
Can Russia change?
On May 22, 1787 three quarters of the world's population were in slavery - including most Russians in serfdom. London England was the capital of the slave trade for the entire world. The world saw slavery as natural and never ending. Twelve men met in the back of a London printing press and proclaimed they would end slavery. Within a short generation those twelve men ended slavery through out the world. Alexis de Tocqueville said what those 12 Quakers did was "absolutely without precedent...If you pore over the histories of all peoples, I doubt that you will find anything more extraordinary." (May1787.com)
In 1969 police raided a gay bar in Manhattan. This spurned the modern gay rights movement, resulting in gay marriage being legalized in America last year.
Anthropologist Margaret Mead said "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
If you listen closely to the end of the broadcast, as I am surrounded by the staff and everyone is pushing me to return to this dreadful show, I proclaim that I am looking for political asylum. I am here to do my small part to help Russia become great again. I am here to stand up against the country that Martin Luther King, Jr. called "the greatest purveyor of violence" - the United States.


Maria S
Maria S
4 years ago (edited)
oh, thank you for being a patriot! What do you want? Russia had been a communist country for 70 years before Yeltsin took power. The best people had been killed by the communists and it will take generations to see the change. You've left the country and that is fine. I've left it also but I would NEVER say that Americans are better than Russians. You cannot generalize like that! I have a feeling you may not be aware of what Americans really think about you...they just will not tell you. I've lived here for 16 years and have seen a lot of bad stuff too. I am not sure where you are from originally but here in America, I am sorry to tell you, Americans will always look at you as an immigrant.


Maria S
Maria S
4 years ago
I must apologize to you. You probably do not remember my comment at all but it does not matter because I do. I really did not know the whole truth and yes, it is sad that you were treated unfairly. As far as Guzeeva is concerned, yes she can be a bit of a bully but they keep her for the ratings; besides, a lot of Russians watch this show and find it entertaining. Hopefully, people like you will be able to change how Russians treat both each other and the foreigners. It is certainly a problem right now. I find it very odd (and good for you), however, when you see an American being more of a Russian patriot comparing to those who've left the country. May God keep you safe there and many He protect you and your future family. Peace!


Anna Metzler
Anna Metzler
4 years ago
Maria S I'm sorry if you had such a bad experience having someone look at you "as an immigrant". There are definitely some people who think they are somehow better because of the things they didn't do - place of their birth, color of their skin or sex. Just don't pay attention, circle yourself with people who are kind, compassionate and smart, there are more of them than you think. I'm not a patriot to Russia - I refuse to love country that didn't do anything for me. It is my personal opinion that American mindset is better, that might be because I'm surrounded by liberal democrats, who happen to be nice to everyone despite their country of origin. I'm sick and tired of Russians who cant even push a smile out, who can't say anything nice, constantly criticizing each other, who can't say hello or thank you to people who work for them, who immigrate to gather social assistance and brag how they are smarter than government.


Maria S
Maria S
4 years ago

@Anna Metzler 

well, for one, you were born in Russia, so the doctors and the nurses did something for you and your mother, right? You got your free health care and schooling in the USSR (if you are the same age or older than I am). What is interesting is that you support the party that wants similar things for Americans and it is even more funny that I support and voted for the Republicans. However, I think you were schooled here in America and I have all the reasons to believe you are in your early 20-es. Your English is superb and it is not typical for older people or even people in their 30-es to be able to write like that after only 4 years of living in this country. You'd ask what it has to do with our topic and your views. A lot! Younger people adapt a lot faster than older people and their English tends to be better so they are more accepted by those who've lived in the US their entire lives.


Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли
Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли
4 years ago
I am from America, Idaho :)
In English,
Saying that I am a "patriot" is strange in this context , but thank you for the kind words :)

Maria S
Maria S
4 years ago
well, what I meant was that you care for Russia and Russian people more than some Russians who left the country... Patriot may not be the best word, I agree. In my opinion, patriotism is wrong when we approve everything our countries (or our leaders) are doing just because we are from that country. We have to use common sense, be fair, and seek truth and truth hurts sometimes. That is what we have the brains for: to analyze and think critically. Wish you the best!


Lee Bailey
Lee Bailey
5 years ago
I was not the first person to walk out of "Let's Get Married". Eight years ago, the first host, Darya Volga walked out of the show for the same reason.

Дарья Волга, вы стали первой ведущей программы «Давай поженимся!» на «Первом канале». Почему вы ушли из проекта?

Я вела программу три месяца, и руководство решило резко изменить формат, сделать его более скандальным. Несколько раз я отказалась озвучивать те вещи, которые от меня требовали редакторы. Например, в программу пришла женщина лет 55, которая хотела встретить мужчину. В молодости она сделала два аборта, после которых не смогла стать матерью. Редактор в наушник говорит: «Спроси ее: как вы себя чувствуете после того, как убили двоих своих детей?!» Я не стала это повторять. Как могу я, молодая, здоровая, успешная, замужняя женщина, давать наотмашь по морде человеку, которому и так в жизни пришлось несладко? Лариса Гузеева может. Она более зрелая, опытная, жесткая. Я не могу смотреть «Давай поженимся!» в нынешнем варианте


Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли

Светлана Пастухова
Светлана Пастухова
4 years ago
Travis, Good time of day!
I not believe, that you love our country and people. If you really love our country, you would not "vote with your feet". You say that you want to help Russia, but instead you go away. As the other proverb says: "To vote with your feet is not an effective way of dealing with problems". You can show your discontent, but what have you done to change what you do not like? I saw that you were afraid. You even disrespectfully addressed those ladies - candidates - who came to this show TO YOU. But you did not act like a gentleman. You could at least go out to say goodbye and wish these ladies to find a life partner. It would be more honorable. And you are talking about some kind of love. I felt sorry for these women, because they were completely at a loss, that they offended you. If you really want to help russia and people, you could at least start uploading a video in Youtube or discussing on the TV the problems of russia and what ways you see to solve them (you could mention this and at this show at least in passing. Share your noble intentions on television), and not vote with your feet. It will not change anything. All that you do not like, it will continue. And if there is a person who really needs help, will you also "vote with your feet," based on the fact that he is too pathetic? Help yourself first, work on yourself, and then go out into people.


Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли
Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли
4 years ago
Светлана Пастухова thank you for your comments

Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли
Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли
4 years ago (edited)
From what I have seen and read is Russians are extremely closed to new ideas and are very subservient to authority. I saw this in the way the show was set up. I am sorry if I hurt these women. I was looking at the bigger picture.

The last woman, #3, understood exactly why I walked out - this was cut from the footage of the show - but it is in the attached audio.

After the show, I actually had a date with Evgenia set up but she canceled - common in Moscow - not common in America. I have tried to get in contact with number one but to no avail.

You seem so concerned about these girls feelings yet what about the nasty way this show treats people? I was looking at the big picture. I new enough Russian to understand that these women were making funny of me and were making light of the terrible things that the women were talking about.

That is what Larissa does. So i had a choice, to be a cattle like most docile Russians and have a forgetful episode, in which all of us look like fools and are made fun of like idiots, or show Larrisa and the television show that what they were doing was **wrong**. If I said that in the episode would that have been cut? Absolutely. I did what was best for everyone, in the long term, I walked out.

When you are faced with a terribly tough decision and you need to stand up to people in authority what do you do? Are you a docile Russian? I would guess "yes". Give me one example of a time you stood up for yourself.

HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT THIS, even tacitly? :

Первая ведущая Дарья Волга так прокомментировала свой уход из программы:
« Я вела программу три месяца, и руководство решило резко изменить формат, сделать его более скандальным. Несколько раз я отказалась озвучивать те вещи, которые от меня требовали редакторы. Например, в программу пришла женщина лет 55, которая хотела встретить мужчину. В молодости она сделала два аборта, после которых не смогла стать матерью. Редактор в наушник говорит: «Спроси ее: как вы себя чувствуете после того, как убили двоих своих детей?!» Я не стала это повторять. Как могу я, молодая, здоровая, успешная, замужняя женщина, давать наотмашь по морде человеку, которому и так в жизни пришлось несладко? Лариса Гузеева может. Она более зрелая, опытная, жесткая. Я не могу смотреть «Давай поженимся!» в нынешнем варианте

Светлана Пастухова
Светлана Пастухова
4 years ago (edited)
In fact, the Russians are not so closed from new ideas ... this previous generation is very accustomed to the reality in which they grew up and lived.
For example, people who grew up during the war or in the post-war years, which, of course, were very difficult, still can give an example that today's generation of Russians is very "chic", that in their time luxury was considered a piece of bread.
They were born and grew up at that time, and have a corresponding worldview. But, on the other hand, such a life is not a norm (even before the war it was better).
But today's generation of people (in particular - young people) - are open to new ideas. However, the older generation does not take these ideas seriously (because they do not understand these ideas), and "slows down" the young people who listen to them.
For example, on the show "Let's get married" so came the 20-year-old guy who earned the first million. If you think about it, if he earned a million in 20 and will continue to strive, how much can he earn by 40 years? However, Guzeeva tells him to get a higher education and get a job. And how many Russians who went exactly this way - work for hire - and at least once in their lives earned a million? But because in the Soviet Union no one did what is now called "Business." They have an outdated idea of life. However, this guy went off with dignity. He chose no one and went on his own way. He did not "vote with his feet," although what he was told, not understanding his activities, he was very offended, he then worried for a long time. They even cut out at the montage the mention of his online store, and inserted a fragment where another person says "but he earned an honest way?". But nevertheless, he showed that he is above them, that he will not give up his interests in favor of their opinion, and even more so - will not run away. He knows better who he is, and he did not afraid to tell them that. It's you I gave examples of how you could do on the show. The reaction of Guzeeva - the previous generation - and her response - it is just an indication of what you say: "closed to new ideas, and submission to authority". And also an indicator of how the next generation seeks a new one in the current realities. So not everything is so bad in our country: people are changing, the country is also. And it makes me happy. And in general, Travis, you just need to understand us, not condemn.


Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли
Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли
4 years ago
RE: They even cut out at the montage the mention of his online store, and inserted a fragment where another person says "but he earned an honest way?"

Do you work for Lets Get married? How do you know this?

Karl Lober
Karl Lober
2 years ago
.. an American man will be on the show next week .. he is fluent in Russian .. a returned missionary from Las Vegas


Bird Of Prey
Bird Of Prey
5 years ago
watch "God bless America" (2011) movie. you'll like it!


Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли

Елена Жунь
Елена Жунь
5 years ago
Дорогой Тревис, за 10 лет в России вы так и не поняли нашу нацию, совершенно не понятно, что именно вы любите в России?
Ведущие нормально и хорошо к вам отнеслись. Ведущие с юмором, да специфическим, да это шоу. Однако, взяв с собой диктофон вы подготовились. а изучить правила этого шоу вы не удосужились. Про 3 бонуса уж можно было узнать. Нормальное шоу. а вы вообще зачем пришли? как будто пропиарится...
Девушки танцевали и веселили - мы такие, к сожалению как африканцам белый человек Бог, так нам иностранец - поэтому все старались и как то хотели удивить..
короче я разочаровалась в вас...


Lee Bailey
Lee Bailey
5 years ago

Have you heard the term "vote with one's feet"? [link removed]
Russia is a country reeling with extreme poverty. Women are hurt most of all. In my short nine months I have lived here:
I saw first hand how alcoholism is rampant in rural Russia among men, with women bearing the brunt of this debilitating disease. [link removed]
I saw first hand at Dialog, Executive Language Center, a Moscow English School, how women are regularly screamed at and put up with all manner of abuse. [link removed]

On websites like "Wamba.com" Moscow women actively "sponsor" themselves. This means that if you are a woman looking for a "sponsor", you are a woman who will give sex to a man if they support your financially. Prostitution is rampant, with websites like [link removed] openly selling sex for as little as 2000 rubles ($31 USD) for an hour.

Many women feel they must marry to get out of terrible poverty. Shows like "Lets Get Married" take people's misery and make it entertainment. I saw the desperation in Evgenia's eyes (contestant two) and it broke my heart. It was the look of desperation and anger that my own ex-wife had when I met her on a marshrutka in 2001. My ex-wife, an ethnic Russian, was living on $100 a month working at Lukoil in Odessa Ukraine when I met her on Valentines Day, 2001. She would steal money from her rich customers to survive. She was supporting herself, her eight year old son, her mother and grandmother on $100. Her son was living in rural Ukraine, a house with no hot water, no telephone, and an outhouse.

On Let's Get Married that day the host Larissa and the other three women hosts showed their misery in their faces when the camera was not pointed on them. Larissa was habitually kneading two pieces of facial tissue in both hands, extremely stressed. Darya, the young director who interviewed me was a basket case that day.

As these poor three women contestants bore their soul and deepest secrets to a national audience, I noticed two men above the crowd in the shadows, watching the entire heart wrenching spectacle. They were the two people calling the shots, they were the two men who were being enriched by other people's misery.

My entire life has been devoted to helping others. When I was Mormon I was a missionary for the church from 1992-1994. From 2000-2004 I was a United States Peace Corps volunteer helping build orphanages with the American embassy in Odessa, Ukraine. I became an attorney to help others- to fight for the poor. I earned a masters degree in International Relations to to be a voice for the voiceless that America murders. I married my now ex-wife out of love in 2002, but I also couldn't bear to abandon her and her family in the poverty of Ukraine.

I came here to help Russians, to build a community. To help build Russia. To help stop the Russian "brain drain" to Russia's enemies who want to destroy this beautiful country. I am here to proclaim that America, behind the propaganda all Russians watch on television, is an evil, miserable and violent country. Behind many American's fake bright smiles is a deep loneliness.

I didn't come to beautiful Russia to help a television show make comedy of people's misery.

So I walked out of the show. I voted with my feet. It was the brave decision. It was the right decision.


Daria Ovcharova
Daria Ovcharova
5 years ago
Travis, dont waste your time in Russia. You are sweetly naiv like most of Americans. This country will never change. Cause its simply doesnt want too. And its happy the way it is. Trust me, Russian are more sorry about the way Americans live their lives then yourself. Youre are wasting your time. Seriously. Have something better to do with your life.


Lee Bailey
Lee Bailey
5 years ago
I love this country because I have so many opportunities to be myself here. ) Americans are optimistically naive and so am I )
Thank you Daria for really making my evening. :-x


Roman Pushkar
Roman Pushkar
4 years ago (edited)
Hey Travis, I'm a Russian speaking Canadian and I support your decision to quit this stupid game. I hardly believe one can find love in such TV shows. 20 minutes is not enough to get to know a person, and being exposed to millions hurts sincerity. What has to be done deep inside two hearts is a huge audience's entertainment nowadays.
And yes, you are right, unless you found a smart and independent lady your second Russian crush will screw you up again. Especially if you hardly understand each other. Look for a lady who is fluent in English! This is essential for you.
So... good luck man!

Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли
Travis Lee Bailey, Esq. Трэвис Ли Бейли
4 years ago
roman, thank you for your kind and thoughtful words
I wish you were here so we could go out for vodka.
I miss russia so much
I plan on going back the beginning of next year.
i want to learn russian so badly. I already have a list of skype teachers which i will hire this week.
My russian is better then on the show. I had never used a simultaneous translator in my ear, and it was obvious.
good luck and god bless you mr. pushkar. i wish you only the best in your journeys.


Roman Pushkar
Roman Pushkar
4 years ago
Travis Lee Bailey gmail thank Travis. Good luck in learning Russian! And God bless you