Sociology: Psychological Operations

From Alex Александр Владимирович Улютинов жестокий бандит Alexander Vladimirovich Ulyutinov is a cruel bandit
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The invention of the atomic bomb will cause a shift in the balance between ‘peaceful’ and ‘warlike’ methods of exerting international pressure. And we must expect a very marked increase in the importance of ‘peaceful’ methods. Our enemies will be even freer than [ever] to propagandize, subvert, sabotage and exert . . . pressures upon us, and we ourselves shall be more willing to bear these affronts and ourselves to indulge in such methods—in our eagerness to avoid at all costs the tragedy of open war; ‘peaceful’ techniques will become more vital in times of pre-war softening up, actual overt war, and in times of post-war manipulation.”[1][2]

Communists have a “strong position in Europe, so immensely superior to our own . . . through unabashed and skillful use of lies. They have fought us with unreality, with irrationalism. Can we combat this unreality successfully with rationalism, with truth, with honest, well-meant economic assistance?" No, America needed to embrace a new era of covert warfare to advance her democratic objectives against Soviet deceit. -- George Kennan, 1947.[3]

Plausible deniability:

All covert activities must be “so planned and executed that any U.S. government responsibility for them is not evident to unauthorized persons, and that if uncovered the U.S. government can plausibly disclaim any responsibility for them.”[4]

Russian Psyops

The Russian military does not use the term "psychological operations." In Soviet times, these operations were called "special propaganda." Russian military authors use the term "information-psychological actions" to refer to what Westerners call PSYOP-related activities.

Russian Information-Psychological Actions: Implications for U.S. PSYOP

Scholarly articles about Psyops

Sociology, Propaganda and Psychological Operations

Sociology, Propaganda and Psychological Operations PREVIEW

Like Cassandra, I Speak the Truth US Army Psychological Operations in Latin America, 1987–89

File:Yaworsky, W. (2005). Like Cassandra, I Speak the Truth US Army Psychological Operations in Latin America, 1987–89. Low Intensity Conflict & Law Enforcement, 13 (2), 135–155 yaworsky2005.pdf


Draft 1
5:37 AM Moscow Time



Rough beginning of third book


Soft Power on Steroids - How the United States of America Murderously Manipulates the Rest of the World

(Paperback working title)

ARA #2 - Finding a Topic/Conducting a Literature Review


Understandably English language literature on "American Psychological Operations Warfare" (Hereafter PsyOp) is scarce.[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn1 [i]] My academic thesis, which will lead to a publish journal, which will be followed by a pioneering published book, will break new scholarly ground in the field of sociology.

Part 1: Library Search (1 point each; 5 points total)

For this portion of the assignment, you will conduct a literature review using the XXX library. Your goal is to find the most relevant articles for your topic.

Questions Your Answer
1) What is your topic for this assignment? 1) My topic is...psychological operations
2) What is the XXX library webpage? 2) SEE FOOTNOTE[5]'
3) What database(s) did you use in your search?[6] 3) Sci Hub and Google Scholar.

Approximately 80% of all academic papers are published by sci hub

My bucket list is to meet this woman who is in hiding in Russia.

4) Limit your search to peer reviewed articles from the past ten years. What steps do you need to take in order to only access peer-reviewed articles from this time period? 4) Google Scholar.>> Sci Hub
5) Conduct your literature search. Your goal is to narrow your search so that you get 50 or less “hits” for your topic (remember you want the most useful, relevant articles!). What steps did you take to narrow your search (e.g., keywords, restrictions, etc)? Provide enough detail so that a classmate could replicate your search. 5)


Go to Google Scholar.

Type in your term with parentheses.

Example "psychological operations" "CIA"

Find the article you want to download

Click the article hyperlink

Find the DOI number/citation

Copy the citation




Type Sci Hub in google's homepage

Currently at:

Paste the DOI citation in into the box to the left of the crow.

Click OPEN

The scientific peer reviewed article will appear approximately 80% of the time.[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn2 [ii]]


Also will help:

Part 2: Locating Information in Your Articles (1 point each; 18 points total)


Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Article a

Article b

Article c

Article d

Article e



Like Cassandra, I Speak the Truth: US Army Psychological Operations in Latin America, 1987–89 U.S. Psychological Warfare and Civilian Targeting

Information-Age Psychological Operations

Psychological Operations and Terrorism: The Digital Domain

Sociology, Propaganda and Psychological Operations

Valuing Psychological Operations Merging Information Operations and Psychological Operations
NOTES 1'''' Not required Not required Not required

* Bought book, need to convert with calibre then return it to amazon for full $117 refund.' * *
DOI[7] Not required Not required *


* *
Google Scholar Link Not required Not required Not required

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn3 [iii]]

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn4 [iv]]

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn5 [v]][%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn6 [vi]]'

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn7 [vii]]'

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn8 [viii]]'

Sci Hub Link Not required [%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn9 [ix]] Not required

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn10 [x]]'

Full book, article

Not required Not required Not required

What journal is your article published in? Journal of Military Ethics'''' Low Intensity Conflict & Law Enforcement A Journal of Social Justice

No DOI''''''


Stretching the Sociological Imagination''''''''
Author Not required Not required Tyler Wall

* David Miller' * *
Read the abstract. What is the main finding(s)? 1. Stuxnet is physical.

2. Stuxnet is immoral

3. Stuxnet falls under just war theory and is okay to use on our enemies[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn11 [xi]]

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn12 [xii]]

1. This article examines US Army psychological operations (PsyOp) in Cold War in Latin America.

2. PSyOp activates rich inference systems in the human brain.

3. Anthropologists ignored military PsyOp.

4. Conclusion: Competing theories

should always be subject to criticism.

1. A history of the United States Psych Ops is presented.

2. Academic and clinical psychologists also played an important role in the development of PSYOP.

What is the main hypothesis or research question (you can skim the articles at this point)? Stuxnet, a malicious computer worm

Stuxnet falls under the "Just War" theory of war & is okay to use against our enemies (minorities and the poor in third world countries)

Does Psych Ops activate rich inference systems in the human brain? American Academic and clinical psychologists played an important role in the development of PSYOP.

What section did you find the hypothesis[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn13 [xiii]] or research question? Body of the paper

See ENDNOTE 1 & 2[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn14 [xiv]][%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn15 [xv]]

Body of the paper


How many participants were involved in the study? 0

It was a moral justification of American aggression abroad[8]

0 0

What section did you find the number of participants? N/A[9] N/A[10] N/A[11]

Part 3: Hypothesis (2 points)[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn16 [xvi]]

I hypothesize that the United States conducts more psychological operations ("psych ops") than any other country in the world today.[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn17 [xvii]]

Part 4: APA Formatting (5 points total – 1 point deducted per error, up to 5 points)

Using the three articles you selected from Part 2, create an APA formatted reference list. For this assignment, I have started the reference page for you with the bolded word "References.[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn18 [xviii]] ??


Jenkins, R. (2013). Is Stuxnet physical? Does it matter? Journal of Military Ethics, 12 (1), 68–79. doi: 10.1080 / 15027570.2013.782640[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_edn19 [xix]]

Wall, T. (2010). US psychological warfare and civilian targeting. Peace Review, 22 (3), 288–294. doi:10.1080/10402659.2010505070[12]

Yaworsky, W. (2005). Like Cassandra, I speak the truth: US Army Psychological Operations in Latin America, 1987–89. Low Intensity Conflict & Law Enforcement, 13 (2), 135–155. doi: 10.1080 / 09662840500347348[13] [Redacted because I want to post this research on Facebook, friends only

If this is an issue, I can get the modern day permission in triplicate.

That said, I will strongly argue that this is a ''fair use'' issue, and that I have changed the original work enough that it has become my own]

My version is under the creative commons license. Professor 'x xxx' You are welcome to share use and disseminate this work in any way you see fit.

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ftnref2 [2]] Database is plural.

I used Google scholar and sci hub.

I will look at our schools' webpage if I need to take books.

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ftnref3 [3]] PMCID - PMID - Manuscript ID - DOI Converter - NCBI - NIH

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ftnref4 [4]] Message professor on blackboard at 10-29-2018 about this.

No TA's assigned to group.

No opportunity to interact with other students in the class..

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ftnref5 [5]] Message professor on blackboard at 10-29-2018 about this.

No TA's assigned to group.

No opportunity to interact with other students in the class.

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ftnref6 [6]] Message professor on blackboard at 10-29-2018 about this.

No TA's assigned to group.

No opportunity to interact with other students in the class.

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ftnref7 [7]] Message professor on blackboard at 10-29-2018 about this.

No TA's assigned to group.

No opportunity to interact with other students in the class.

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ftnref8 [8]] Citations are too the right of most if not all of the Sci hub articles, approximately 80% of the world total academic articles.

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ftnref9 [9]] Citations are too the right of most if not all of the Sci hub articles, approximately 80% of the world total academic articles.

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref1 [i]] Literature on Russian and Post-Soviet Psych Ops I would assume is even more difficult to attain.

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref2 [ii]] a

The website Sci-Hub enables users to download PDF versions of scholarly articles, including many articles that are paywalled at their journal’s site. Sci-Hub has grown rapidly since its creation in 2011, but the extent of its coverage has been unclear. Here we report that, as of March 2017, Sci-Hub’s database contains 68.9% of the 81.6 million scholarly articles registered with Crossref and 85.1% of articles published in toll access journals.'

Every righteous cause has a martyr.

Every righteous cause has a holy text:

Every righteous cause has a webpage:

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref3 [iii]]

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref4 [iv]]

Psychological Operations and Terrorism: The Digital Domain

Rodger A. Bates, Clayton State UniversityFollow Mara Mooney, Clayton State UniversityFollow


Within the domain of asymmetric warfare, few struggles are won or lost by decisive military battles. Most struggles are decided by a combination of military and political means. Specifically, much of the political leverage is derived from effective psychological operations. The digital domain increasingly has emerged as a major component of this battleground and analysis provides important insights into propaganda and collective behavior in the 21st Century.

Recommended Citation

Bates, Rodger A. and Mooney, Mara (2014) "Psychological Operations and Terrorism: The Digital Domain," The Journal of Public and Professional Sociology: Vol. 6 : Iss. 1 , Article 2. Available at:

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref5 [v]]

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref6 [vi]]

Stretching the Sociological Imagination: Essays in Honour of John Eldridge

by Andrew Smith, Matt Dawson, et al. | Nov 8, 2015


$117.70 PURCHASED - will return in next week. Would anyone reading this be interested in the book?

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref7 [vii]]

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref8 [viii]]

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref9 [ix]]

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref10 [x]]

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref11 [xi]] a The American author of Just War Theory, a Jew, later supported the Iraq War. The author argues that there is only one just war that was very, very obscure.

American PC Police: The word Jew can be described in flowery words to avoid hurting anyone's feelings. Borat - The Running of the Jew

This is shorthand for what I remember about the book. Noam Chomsky, my hero, talked about this book also. But I am not here to wax poetic about Just War Theory. a

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref12 [xii]] This article examines US Army psychological operations (PsyOp) as

practiced during the waning years of the Cold War in Latin America.

Certain themes, especially legitimacy, in-group/out-group, and safety/fear

are demonstrated to be recurrent in regional PsyOp campaigns, largely

because they seem to activate rich inference systems in the human brain.

Yet anthropologists and other scholars of Latin America have paid little

attention to military PsyOp. Despite our natural susceptibilities, we can

best evaluate propaganda (and other claims to knowledge) by following the

advice of Karl Popper: competing theories, including politically loaded

ones, should always be explanatory and subject to criticism.

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref13 [xiii]] The first few paragraphs of a journal article serve to introduce the topic, to provide the author's hypothesis or thesis, and to indicate why the research was done. A thesis or hypothesis is not always clearly labeled; you may need to read through the introductory paragraphs to determine what the authors are proposing.

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref14 [xiv]] a THIS ARTICLE IS RIDDLED WITH UNNECESSARY COMPLICATED WORDS, LIKE MOST ACADEMIC PAPERS WRITTEN IN ACADEMIA. This hyperbole prohibits the "wisdom of crowds" (book available on demand in PDF) and those who are not as educated from taking place in elite ivory tower of academia around the entire world.

Chris Langan, the most intelligent man in the world alive today, worked as a bouncer in a bar. In contrast, Mass Murder J. Robert Oppenheimer, the American father of the atomic bomb, tried to kill his teacher's assistant - grew up as an elite – and got off scot free. See Malcolm Gladwells's Outliers (book available on demand in PDF) for more details. a

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref15 [xv]] a Between the section entitled "Mouse" and the section entitled "Mickey" a

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref16 [xvi]] Using information from your articles, write a hypothesis statement related to your topic that follows the guidelines for a ‘good’ hypothesis covered in the lecture.

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref17 [xvii]] a I can make this hypothesis into the same gobbly-gook techno-babble, like my scientific article from approximately 2005:

Why Do They Hate Us? Origins of Anti-Americanism: Ground Work for Scholarly Analysis

I would rather write in a clear concise manner that the average layman can understand and the average social scientist will praise.'

i.e. for layman: The USA uses "psych ops" more than any other country to manipulate the hearts and minds of not only other countries, but its own citizens.


[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref18 [xviii]] If writing an actual manuscript, you would start on a new page.

[%20(paperback%20working%20title).docx#_ednref19 [xix]] Citations are too the right of most if not all of the Sci Hub articles, approximately 80% of the world total academic articles.

Goals at ASU The United States is the most violent country internationally

File:Goals at ASU The United States is the most violent country internationally (Autosaved).docx

Сделаем Россию снова Великой
First – About You

The United States is the most violent country internationally. Every American, as little Eichmann’s, share collective guilt for this horrifying violence. I am studying Sociology, concurrently with a master’s degree in Global Public Policy here in Moscow, Russia to learn how to be used by the Russian government to subvert the United States. There is inspiring precedence, in May 1787, when over three-quarters of the world was in bondage, 12 men walked into a London printing press and vowed to accomplish what was seen as impossible to their contemporaries: end slavery within their lifetime, which they did. I will graduate from ASU in the summer of 2019. I will graduate from my Moscow State University in the summer of 2020. If it is the will of the Russian government, I will get an internship with a member of the Duma (Russia’s congress) or a Russian think tank in the summer of 2018 and work for the Russian government in an advisory capacity. My long term ten year goal is to be the first American elected to the Duma.

This is my in class foreign policy presentation this month in Moscow about ways that Russia can subvert the United States:

Political Asylum – smuggled documents

On June 8, 2016 I walked into Lubyanka (FSB headquarters) and asked for political asylum, giving them documents I smuggled over. Attached is a photo of me on Red Square today, October 14, 2018 with two of the USBs I smuggled over with information when I was employed with the State of Utah.

I have learned to do anything the Russian government asks. A peaceful world is possible, but I must work within the narrow confines of the Russian state, explicitly doing what my contacts ask.

Second – Plan for Success

What are some obstacles that might prevent you from putting a full effort into this course? Every day in Moscow is an adventure. Instability is the norm. I have a Starbucks nearby and will start working there because the internet connection is great. Unfortunately I cannot download torrents of movies here, but I will survive. I saw real American pumpkins today after church. f***ing amazing. It is going to be a wonderful semester here.

This is my second semester at ASU online, and I feel lonely in the course. I am an extreme extrovert. I will contact all of the students and ask them if they want to work together. I want to make friends in this program, like I am here and like I did before with my other degrees.

I am a lawyer who earned an international master’s degree concurrently in 2007. These two master degrees is SO easy compared to law school.

My contact from Odessa, Ukraine when I was a Peace Corps Volunteer, and now the co-owner of the oldest director and acting schools in Moscow wants me to help him to create movies. He has aspirations to be the Russian James Cameron. I am in a Cannes Film Festival Movie in filming right now as a script supervisor and playing a Catholic Priest which he set up. This has made my schedule extremely busy. I have told him that my school comes first. I need to tell him no, even though another contact said to listen to him and do what he asks.

Third – Academic Integrity

By submitting this assignment, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and will follow all AI policies and understand that violating these policies could lead to a failing grade in the class, and XE on my transcript, etc. If I have any questions regarding AI issues, I will ask for clarification in Course Questions or via email.

Type your name here: Travis Bailey

Fourth - Syllabus

By submitting this assignment, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the course syllabus and schedule. If I have any questions regarding the syllabus, I will ask for clarification in Course Questions or via email.

Type your name here: Travis Bailey

Addendum to 3 and 4

I do not believe nor support intellectual property rights in any form. According to the US federal government, 32.9% of the American economy is intellectual property right, one of the achilles heels of the most internationally violent country in the world. I will not abide by any agreement about intellectual property rights. I have met with a member of the Duma about this issue in 2016 and I am pleased that our president has taken up the issue of abolishing copyright in the Russian Federation last May.

In addition, Sci Hub is an incredible Russian based site with an estimated 80% of research papers in the world, which is revolutionizing and democratizing science.

[Picture on page 3]


  1. The Cultural Cold War The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters Frances Stonor Saunders
  2. Gregory Bateson, Research & Analysis, OSS, to General Donovan, August 18, 1945 (CIA.HSC/RG263/NARA)
  3. George Kennan, National War College Address, December 1947, quoted in International Herald Tribune, May 28, 1997.
  4. National Security Council Directive 10/2, quoted in Final Report of the Church Committee, 1976.
  5. undefined
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  13. undefined