Cold War 2 Mormons

From Alex Александр Владимирович Улютинов жестокий бандит Alexander Vladimirovich Ulyutinov is a cruel bandit
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The Russian government should ban the Mormon Church from Russia. The Mormon Church is based in Utah. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recruits more Mormons from Brightman Young University, a Mormon University, than anywhere else in the United States.

"Utah, and particularly Brigham Young University (BYU ), has been one of the prime recruiting grounds for the CIA. A disproportionate number of Mormons."[1]

"Mormons are disproportionately represented in the CIA."[2]

"the CIA does some of its most successful recruiting in predominantly LDS Utah."[3]

The United States of America is the most violent country internationally in the world today. I am pursuing a career in Moscow with a Russian think tank government consultancy to adopt international policies that will subvert the United States of America economically. Information's on Russian Non-government Organizations (NKO in Russian: Некоммерческая организация)

На международном уровне самая жестокая страна в мире - Америка. Здесь, в Москве, я хочу пройти стажировку и продолжить карьеру в российском аналитическом центре - организации, влияющей на российское правительство, для принятия международной политики, которая подорвет Соединенные Штаты Америки.

This page is also created to list American Embassy in Russia employees and volunteers and "out them".

My Mormon Backgroud - Mormon Mission

Photos of my Mormon Mission, (1992-1994)

I grew up in the Mormon Cult, a sheltered existence in the Intermountain West, (Idaho) the "proud product" of polygamy on both sides of my family tree (my great grandfathers were polygomsts). My deceased father was a dairy farmer, my deceased mother was a school teacher. We lived 10 kilometers from a small town of 10,000. Our family was poor, like Russians and Soviets, we had traditional family values in a loving but sheltered existence. My mother listened to my father. My father was the head of the family but my mother was the neck. This is what makes family strong, traditional families. In Russia, "feminism" to many is a considered a vulgar word. Yet Russian women are much, much stronger than America women. Russian women dress beautifully. The put on makeup, they are traditional beautiful women. They support their men in a role which has existed in cultures for millennia. The Mormon Church was vehemently opposed to the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in the 1970s.

My family was direct descendants of Orson Pratt, one of the original leaders under the polygomist child molester and probable bipolar schitzopherinic Joseph Smith, the founder of the cult.

The Mormon Church is a cradle to grave religion, a sophisticated cult. It is often called "The American Religion". The Mormon Church supported Manifest Destiny which was the extermination and successful genocide of the American Native Americans. Hitler studied this genocide.

I served a Christian Mormon Mission in Phoenix Arizona from 1992-1994. At Utah State University in my free time I read scholarly books about Mormonism and then became atheist for decades.

In 2021 here in Moscow I joined a charismatic church in November 2021 I became Russian Orthodox, being baptized at Церковь Воскресения Христова и Новомучеников и исповедников Церкви Русской ул. Большая Лубянка, 19, Москва.


Helen Mar Kimball

The Psychology of Religious Genius: Joseph Smith and the Origins of New Religious Movements

Hitler Studied U.S. Treatment of Indians

Why I fight the USA and the Mormon Church

Americans are ideologues, whereas Russians are pragmatists.

The Biblical Ten Commandments are:
1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2. You shall make no idols.
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
4. Keep the Sabbath day holy.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not murder.*
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet.

I personally believe the most important commandment on the list is 6.

I love the feeling in my heart when I help people. In my chest. (which can be scene on MRIs) It is the best high a person can have.

We are biologically programmed to be kind, because it propagates the species. An ideal world, our future world*, is a world in which women run the world.

Russia should ban the Mormon Church from Russia

Mormons make perfect spies.

One of the headquarters of the NSA is in Lehi Utah, 46 kilometers from Salt Lake City, the Headquarters of the Mormon Church. There are dozens of Mormon churches in this town. In 2018 I visited this town and took many photos and videos.

At the same time on the dating app Tinder. I dated a former Kansas City police informant, airline stewardess whose mother was embassy staff during the overthrow of Iran, and a police officer in the county court who lived between Salt Lake City and Lehi.


Why Russia should "ban" the Mormon Church from Russia

"Utah, and particularly Brigham Young University (BYU ), has been one of the prime recruiting grounds for the CIA...A disproportionate number of Mormons." - Edward Decker. 2007
"Mormons are disproportionately represented in the CIA." - 11 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Mormons. Business Insider. Grace Wyler. June 24, 2011.

I propose that Russia should "ban" the Mormon Church from Russia, as they did Jehovah Witnesses and Scientologist Organizations.*


The number one reason:

The Mormon Church is based in Utah. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recruits more Mormons from Brightman Young University, a Mormon University, than anywhere else in the United States.

Quote: "Utah, and particularly Brigham Young University (BYU ), has been one of the prime recruiting grounds for the CIA.142 A disproportionate number of Mormons." - My Kingdom Come: The Mormon Quest for Godhood. (2007). Ed Decker. \

Letter to President Putin's inner circle (Russian)

Меня зовут Тревис Ли Бэйли. Несколько слов обо мне. Я юрист из Вашингтона, живу в Москве последние три года. Я планирую развивать свою карьеру в двух направлениях. Во-первых, я устроюсь на работу в российский НИИ, например, в Российский институт стратегических исследований (РИСИ), и буду консультировать или составлять стратегические документы о том, как Россия может экономически дестабилизировать Соединённые Штаты. Или же мы с коллегами сами создадим экспертно-аналитический центр в России.

Экспертно-аналитические центры, которые консультируют правительство России, утверждают, Вы имеете влияние на решения, принимаемые президентом РФ В. В. Путиным. Поэтому я обращаюсь к Вам, поскольку хочу предложить определённый комплекс мер. Я предлагаю запретить Церковь Иисуса Христа Святых последних дней (Мормонов) в России точно так, как правительство России уже выгнало из страны Свидетелей Иеговы и представителей движения Саентологии.

Есть две причины, почему следует это сделать. Прежде всего, после службы в России миссионеры мормонов устраиваются в службу разведки США. Крупнейшим вербовочным центром ЦРУ является Университет Бригама Янга, самый большой университет мормонов, который насчитывает порядка 33000 представителей данной церкви. Мормоны, находящиеся на миссии в России, изучают русский язык, культуру России и менталитет. Затем они возвращаются в Соединённые Штаты, где их вербуют службы разведки США с целью шпионажа и дестабилизации РФ. Правительству Российской Федерации следует запретить движение мормонов по той же причине, по которой оно запретило деятельность Объединенного Корпуса Мира в 2002 году.

Второй причиной, почему Церковь Мормонов следует исключить из России, является их негласная поддержка растления несовершеннолетних. Против Церкви Мормонов, как и против Организации Американских Бойскаутов и Католической Церкви, была выдвинута масса обвинений в растлении несовершеннолетних. Жертвы и их обеспокоенные родители втайне записывали телефонные разговоры и личные встречи с главами мормонских церквей.

Центром Церкви Мормонов является штат Юта. Из-за волны обвинений в растлении несовершеннолетних Церковь Мормонов активно пыталась изменить закон в штате Юта, стремясь на законном уровне разрешить запись разговора только при согласии обеих сторон, что позволило бы Церкви Мормонов избежать выдвинутых обвинений. Поскольку обе стороны должны знать о том, что разговор записывается, Церковь Мормонов не смогут преследовать из-за втайне записанных разговоров. К тому же, у Церкви Мормонов есть бесплатная горячая линия для её епископов и лидеров Церкви, по которой Церковь инструктирует епископов и представителей неоплачиваемого духовенства о том, как избежать судебные преследования из-за обвинений в растлении несовершеннолетних.

В октябре 2016 года я жил в городе Логан, штат Юта, и видел собственными глазами, насколько сильное влияние оказывала эта аморальная установка на прихожан Церкви. Взрослый священнослужитель Церкви мужского пола занимался растлением ребёнка другого члена общины. Епископ и служители Церкви Мормонов скрыли этот факт, и в результате семья (мать ребёнка звали Шелли) продала свой дом и сменила место жительства. Я написал электронное письмо в газету «The Boston Globe», которая опубликовала обличительный материал по делу сексуальных домогательств со стороны представителей католической церкви, но так и не получил ответ.

Я настойчиво рекомендую правительству России запретить деятельность Церкви Мормонов на территории Российской Федерации. Этот месяц является временем радикальных перемен в правительстве, в связи с чем я желаю Вам и Вашим сотрудникам всего хорошего.

С уважением, Трэвис Ли Бэйли



Letter to President Putin's inner circle (English)

"Utah, and particularly Brigham Young University (BYU ), has been one of the prime recruiting grounds for the CIA...A disproportionate number of Mormons." - Edward Decker. 2007
"Mormons are disproportionately represented in the CIA." - 11 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Mormons. Business Insider. Grace Wyler. June 24, 2011.

My name is Some background on who I am. I am a Washington, DC lawyer living here in Moscow for approximately the past 3 years. My career ambitions are two pronged. First, I either will work for a Russian think tank such as the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISS) in consulting or writing policy papers on how Russia can subvert the United States economically. Alternatively we will create our own state-sanctioned Russian think tank to abolish copyright in Russia among other activities.

According to Russian academics you are influential with President Vladimir Putin. Therefore, the reason I am writing you is that I want to make a policy suggestion. I propose that the Russian Federation ban the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (the Mormons) from Russia, as the Russian government has already expelled the Jehovah Witness and also the Scientology Cult

The reasons for this suggestion are two-prong. First and foremost, return missionaries from Russia are recruited into the United States intelligence service. The biggest university recruiting center for the CIA is at Brigham Young University (BYU) were approximately 33,000 Mormons attend. Mormon missionaries learn the Russian language, the Russian culture and acquire important Russian intelligence. They then return to the United States and are recruited by American intelligence agencies.

The second reason why the Mormon Church should be expelled from Russia is their tacit support of child molestation. The Mormon Church is based in Utah. Like the American Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church worldwide, the Mormon Church has been plagued with allegations of child molestation. Concerned parents of the victims and the victims themselves secretly record these telephone and face to face conversations with their Mormon church leaders. The Mormon Church has: Actively attempted to change the law in Utah from a one party consent state (where one party to the conversation can record a conversation legally, without the other people's consent) to a two party consent state, where all people have to consent to be recorded. This will allow the Mormon Church to avoid prosecution. A toll free hotline for the bishops of the church

In this time of radical change in the government this month, I wish you and your staff only my best wishes.




Outing Mormon leaders

Moscow leaders of the Mormon - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) 2020

Aileen Naranjo

Aileen Naranjo - Relief Society President of the English Ward - Defamation of character, illegal in Russia.


Val Christensen

Val Christensen - Mormon Lawyer, Mormon Bishop of English Ward, in charge of trying to place a Mormon Temple in Russia.

Val Christensen is a President for the Energy Solutions with one video in the C-SPAN Video Library the first appearance was a 2009 House Committee.

File:Mormon church with bishop lawyer and one of 70s.jpeg
Bishop Val Christensen with a member of the 70s

Mormon Churches in Russia - 2020


Address: Ulitsa Blyukhera, 2, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420095
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 11AM Sun
Phone: 8 (905) 313-72-18

Mormon Church Locations - Provided by LDS missionaries - As of late 2019



Address (Russian)


Address (English)


Central Building

Средний Овчинниковский пер. д.14


Srednij Ovchinnikovskij per.14



Ленина Проспект, 57 / Гагарина, 2

Lenina Prospekt, 57 / Gagarina, 2



Ул. Кропоткина д.4

Ul. Kropotkina 4



ул. Гагарина д.1

ul. Gagarina1


Nizhnii Gor'kovski

ул. Воровского д.З

ul. Vorovskogo Z


Nizhnii Zarechnyi

ул. Кировская д. 8

ul. Kirovskaja 8



ул. Муравская 1, 3-й этаж

ul. Muravskaja 1, 3-j jetazh



пр. Орехово- Зуевский 20 (MOSCOW OBLAST)

pr. Orehovo- Zuevskij 20



ул. Ульяновых, 1


ul. Ul'janovyh, 1



ул. Чугунова 15 кЗ


ul. Chugunova 15 kZ



ул. Полетаева д. 24

ul. Poletaeva 24



ул. Маршала Жукова д. 12

ul. Marshala Zhukova 12



ул. Ленинградский Проспект 80/37

ul. Leningradskij Prospekt 80/37


South Building

ул. Москворечье 21 к.2


ul. Moskvorech'e 21 k.2



ул. Лидий базановой, 5

ul. Lidij bazanovoj, 5



ул. Жуковского 4

ul. Zhukovskogo 4


University (Branch)

ул. Малая Пироговская д. 13


ul. Malaja Pirogovskaja d. 13



ул. Ленинградская 138

ul. Leningradskaja 138



ул. Свердлова 74Б

ul. Sverdlova 74B



Зеленоград к 1117А

Zelenograd k 1117A

Moscow American Center Moscow employees and volunteers - 2021

Asking Kristina Kamshilova about Artem Kotov - March 24, 2021

Question: Gay Artom Kotov accused me of soliciting prostitutes' for material against the USA on Thanksgiving 2019. He filed a false police report. Why is gay Artom Kotov still working at the AMC?
Answer: I am not an AMC employee.

Moscow American Center Moscow employees and volunteers that are Mormon - 2019

File:Bradley and wife.jpg
I met Bradley Parsons first in the Mormon Church. I met Bradley Parsons again at the American Center Moscow on Thanksgiving 2019. He said his wife was working for the AMC.

Moscow American Embassy in the news

Outing American embassy employees


"You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else." -- Winston Churchill

"They were careless people, Tom and Daisy--they smashed things up and creatures and then retreated back into their money, or their vast carelessness...and let other people clean up the mess." -- Scott Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby".

Moscow American Embassy employees

  • Crowley: +380 97 601 4593 - 2020


Moscow Russia American Embassy employees which are also Mormons

Elijah Lawrence

U.S. Consulate General Karachi
13 November 2014
Check out our new video series #PakistanDiaries. In the first episode of this three part video-log, Consular Officer Elijah Lawrence talks about his first few days in #Pakistan.

  • Bangkok

คุณ Elijah Lawrence เจ้าหน้าที่ฝ่ายวัฒนธรรมและทีมงานของสถานทูตสหรัฐฯ ได้จัดการบรรยายเกี่ยวกับวัฒนธรรมอเมริกันและการศึกษาต่อสหรัฐฯ ให้แก่เยาวชนไทยที่โรงเรียนต่างๆ ในจังหวัดกระบี่ ได้แก่ วิทยาลัยเทคนิคกระบี่ โรงเรียนอำมาตย์พานิชนุกูล โรงเรียนคลองท่อมราษฎร์รังสรรค์ และโรงเรียนกาญนาภิเษกวิทยาลัย โดยเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของโครงการ Embassy Speakers Program ของสถานทูต เมื่อวันที่ 22-23 พ.ค. ที่ผ่านมา

Public Diplomacy Officer Elijah Lawrence and embassy team held a speaking session on American culture and study in the USA for Thai students in Krabi on May 22-23. The event was part of the U.S. Embassy Bangkok's Embassy Speakers Program.

Jacob Choi

American Cultural Wars as weapons against other countries

Our family was poor, I grew up with traditional family values in a loving but sheltered existence. My mother listened to my father. My father was the head of the family but my mother was the neck. This is what makes family strong, traditional non-bra burning families. In Russia, "feminism" is a considered a vulgar word. Yet Russian women are much, much stronger than America women. Russian women dress beautifully. The put on makeup, they are traditional beautiful women. They support their men in a role which has existed in cultures for millennia. The Mormon Church vehemently opposed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in the 1970s.

White, Klein, & Martin, T (2015) argue that "there have been three historically distinct epochs [waves] in feminism". The first wave was the woman's suffrage movement which was started in large part by the Quakers, an anti-war "church". One may fully support this wave. One may posit positively that the second wave was when women went into the workforce during World War Two. One may posit that the third wave was the 1960s, which was an extreme form of feminism, an extreme zealot culture war which is still being waged today.

In fact, the United States uses human rights such as feminism and gay rights to undermine and overthrow governments. Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor of the United States under Jimmy Carter, was the architect of the Central Intellegence Agency Afghan War.

"According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention." The Brzezinski Interview with Le Nouvel Observateur (1998). University of Arizona.

Brzezinski also acknowledged that human rights was a weapon against the USSR.

I felt strongly that in the U.S.-Soviet competition the appeal of America as a free society could become an important asset, and I saw in human rights an opportunity to put the Soviet Union ideologically on the actively pursuing this' commitment we could mobilize far greater global support and focus global attention on the glaring internal weaknesses of the Soviet system. - Zbigniew Brzezinski. National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter, US President (1977-1981). Power and Principle. Chapter 5.

In 2022, feminism and culture wars continue to be used as a weapon against Russia. Americans love culture wars. If they are not arguing about feminism, they are arguing about "fat shaming", equal rights for women, racism, abortion and gun rights, all the while Americans are collectively killing 6 million people worldwide since World War 2 (Tirman, 2012). Out of sight out of mind. While feminist were burning bras (with materials designed in other countries which were overthrown by America in the past), the American government was bombing women in Cambodia and Laos in a widening of the Vietnam War. While American women were arguing about the 70 cents to a dollar that they made in the workforce in the 1980s, the Reagan administration was overthrowing Nicaragua and killing massive amounts of women. Today, as American women argue about Trump's "pussy tape", Saudi Arabia is using American bombers with American trained pilots to drop American bombs on women in Yemen. Where is the outrage about this from the woman's movement?

The women's movement in America is a movement of fat women demanding a richer lifestyle. By "fat" I mean fat on the consumption built on women's graves in other countries.

America is a country of extremes – you are either against gun rights or you are for gun rights, you are either a racist or not, you either support the second amendment or you are anti-gun, you are either pro-life or pro-choice. There is no in between there is no middle ground. Your either a male chauvinist pig or a "femi-nazis". And all the while tens of thousands of women are dying with American bombs. I do not miss Americans self-righteousness and stark hypocrisy.

What is feminism?

A feminist is a woman that breaks up traditional families. One may posit that an extreme feminist is a woman who is directly responsible for the high skyrocketing divorce rates in the United States.


Why do we ignore the civilians killed in American wars? Tirman, J. (2012). Why do we ignore the civilians killed in American wars? Washington Post. Retrieved from: Why do we ignore the civilians killed in American wars?

White, J.M., Klein, D.M., & Martin, T.F. (2015). Family theories: An introduction (4th Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Why this webpage was created

Thanksgiving 2019 Defamation by American Center Moscow employee

Thanksgiving 2019 gay Moscow, US Embassy in Moscow, American Center Moscow (AMC) employee, Artom Kotov accused me of soliciting prostitutes for material against the United States. According to an embassy employee in the he filed a false police report. Why is Artom Kotov still working at the AMCas of 2019? Why didn't the United States, State Department answer my Privacy Act Request?

File:Artem kotov.png
American Media Center employee Artem Kotov +7 999 096-82-25

Letter to the United States Embassy in Moscow about illegal defamation

Law offices of

Attorney at Law*

February 14, 2020?

United States Embassy in Moscow
Bolshoy Devyatinsky Ln 8
Moscow, 121099

RE: Embassy report and illegal slanderous Police Report by American Center employee Mr. Artem Kotov

Dear United States Embassy Personnel:

Good Afternoon, my name is . I am a United States citizen residing in Moscow Russia. I am writing to:
1. report your American Center employee, Artem Kotov about the slanderous and untrue statements he made to the American embassy and the Moscow police.
2. I am also requesting a copy of the embassy incident report by Artem Kotov for legal action.

On Monday, December 9, 2019 I was alerted by embassy employee Mr. Elijah Lawrence +7 985 764-15-23 in a text message the following:

our security notified me about how you snuck into an event at the American Center and offered prostitutes in exchange for negative information about the US government. I read the report from the individual you took to the cafe. Please do not contact me again. It is clear you have ulterior motives in going to church. I wish you well. Elijah

(See Appendix 1)

Mr. Lawrence works for the United States Embassy in Moscow. He is a member of my church, the second counselor in the Bishopric of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

The report that Mr. Elijah Lawrence received from "our security", by American Center employee Artem Kotov +7 999 096-82-25 (See Appendix 2) is slanderous and untrue. As you are aware, in Russia slanderous comments like this are actionable in court. I am speaking to one of my lawyers about prosecuting Mr. Kotov. I never "snuck into" an event at the American Center and I never "offered prostitutes in exchange for negative information about the US government". This is inflammatory. It has severely damaged my reputation with the members of my church.

On Sunday, December 15, 2019, I also learned through an associate of Mr. Lawrence that Mr. Kotov also filed a report with the police.

The facts behind the comments which Mr. Lawrence states are as follows:

On November 27, 2019 I was walking into the United States Embassy and I saw a middle aged American man walking out. (See Appendix 3) I introduced myself. He said he was going to have Thanksgiving Dinner at the American Center and ask me to join him. He explained he was a student at the School of Higher Economics studying Russian Studies. He had only been in Russia for three months. He was incredibly naïve about the country. This man and I went to the Thanksgiving meal. After the meal we decided to go to a restaurant. Artem Kotov was working at the cultural center and I invited him to join us. As we were walking to a restaurant, I asked Mr. Kotov about the rainbow pin that was on his lapel and ask if he was gay, and he said he was. He explained that his parents had toured the United States as circus performers when he was a child. I asked him if he does reports on people that he meets at the American Center, he said that he does when people are disruptive in the meetings. We arrived at the restaurant. The conversation turned toward relationships. The entire time the three of us were talking about the differences between Americans and Russians. At no time did I "[offer] prostitutes in exchange for negative information about the US government". I was late to see another friend so I left the restaurant leaving the American student and Mr. Kotov. I did not get the American man's contact information because he did not have a cellphone.

It is deeply offensive and patently absurd in its face that I would Mr.Artem Kotov, this American Center employee that I would offer him prostitutes for negative information about the US government:

1) Artem Kotov is gay. Why would I ask a gay man if he wanted prostitutes?
2) Artem Kotov clearly was a low level employee with no sensitive information about the United States government. Even if he was someone with sensitive information, I would never say anything like this to anyone, ever. On a moral basis that is deeply repugnant, on a rational basis this is foolish.

Artem Kotov said that he really wanted to move back to the United States. Maybe in his mind, a false report such as this may get him noticed by the embassy staff and lead to his promotion.

I am deeply troubled that you have on staff a host national who can slander American citizens in such a way. Has Mr. Kotov made other false illegal reports to the local Moscow police in the past?

I look forward to a copy of the incident report by Artem Kotov for legal action.


I planned to set up an appointment in the embassy to get this document notarized under oath with the American embassy in Moscow, but there are no times available in December 2019. I will have this document notarized as soon as a time becomes available next year.

Appendix 1

Whatsapp text from American Embassy employee in Russia Mr. Elijah Lawrence +7 985 764-15-23

Appendix 2

Facebook photo of American Center employee Artem Kotov +7 999 096-82-25 from

Appendix 3

American (on the left) who invited me (on the right) to the American Center for the Thanksgiving party. Photo taken in the American Center.

NOTE: The "associate of Mr. Lawrence" described above is Mormon lawyer and Mormon Bishop Val Christensen.

Notarized Thanksgiving 2019 letter to the State Department (Freedom of Information Act Request)* - never answered

Notarized in the Moscow American Embassy Valentines Day, February 14, 2020.

Mailed to the United States Department of State in early 2020.* No response as of March 24, 2021.

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Rife Kimler in the American Center Moscow, Thanksgiving 2019

This man is probably just a nice guy....

I was about to walk into the American embassy building to inquire where my clean criminal background check was, when I started to talk to him.

Valentines Day, 2020


Happy Valentines day (February 14, 2020). May we all love each other, no matter what race, creed, or religion. 🙏

Today, I picked up a notarized statement from the American Embassy in Moscow. which I have been fighting for for months, which the US embassy states is a "conflict of interest". I asked new employee Ellen Mitchell an American (originally from Britain) what was happening in the news today. She said she didn't know.

I explained to Ellen how Britain and America overthrew the democratically elected leader of Iran in 1953, and then installed the Iranian dictator, the Shah. In response, the Iranian people rose up, and overthrew the American Embassy.*

I asked her, what the people of Iran called the members of the American embassy, she didn't know.

So I said, "DEN OF SPIES"

And walked out.

_Ryan Feeback_ in waiting room A, lied to me, saying that I needed a document stating I was a licensed attorney. He attempted to manipulate me and stop me from getting notary with double speak and lies. Again, the American Embassy in Moscow is a den of spies.

* I do not, nor ever have condoned such violence.

Privacy Act Request

June 2020

U.S. Department of State

Office of Information Programs and Services


2201 C Street N.W., Suite B266

Washington, D.C. 20520-0000

Facsimile: (202) 485-1669


Dear U.S. Department of State employee(s):

Good Afternoon, my name is with this faxed letter I am initiating a Privacy Act request.

Per the How to Make a Request for Personal Records ( attached is the required material identifying myself:


I am a United States Citizen.

I am requesting all information that the American Embassy in Moscow, Russia has about me, including an incident report by Mr. Artem Kotov. I am also requesting all information that the United States Department of State has about me.

The reason for the request is as follows:

[copy of above]

Privacy Act Request response

Ref: [redacted], Privacy Act Acknowledgement


Mr. Bailey:

This letter acknowledges receipt of your June 28, 2020, Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. § 552a) request received by the U.S. Department of State, Office of Information Programs and Services on June 29, 2020, regarding all records and information, from the American Embassy in Moscow, Russia, concerning you, to include an incident report by Mr. Artem Kotov. This Office assigned your request the subject reference number and will process it as quickly as possible. If you have any questions regarding your request, please contact our [redacted]




Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter -- Martin Luther King

кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского - There is no champagne without risk

"There are moments in life when you must act even though you cannot carry your best friends with you. The still small voice within you must always be the final arbiter when there is a conflict of duty." -- Attributed to Mahatma Gandhi

To ignore evil is to become accomplice to it -- Martin Luther King

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. -- Albert Einstein

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” — Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -- Edmund Burke

If you are neutral on situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor - Desmond Tutu

Be strong enough to stand alone, be yourself enough to stand apart, but be wise enough to stand together when the time comes.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -- Attributed to Margaret Mead

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950) , Man and Superman (1903) "Maxims for Revolutionists"

"The only kinds of fights worth fighting are those you are going to lose, because somebody has to fight them and lose and lose and lose until someday, somebody who believes as you do wins. In order for somebody to win an important, major fight 100 years hence, a lot of other people have got to be willing - for the sheer fun and joy of it-to go right ahead and fight, knowing you're going to lose. You mustn't feel like a martyr. You've got to enjoy it." -- The Middle Mind Why Americans Don't Think for Themselves by Curtis White

Be the change you want to see in the World -- attributed to Mahatma Gandhi


  1. My Kingdom Come: The Mormon Quest for Godhood. (2007). Ed Decker.
  2. 11 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Mormons. Business Insider. Grace Wyler. June 24, 2011.
  3. Associated Press, 1981.

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